Christ has indeed been raised from the dead, the first fruits of those who have fallen asleep. “Where, O death, is your victory? Where, O death, is your sting? The sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the law. But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.

I Corinthians 15:20, 55-57

What are the only things that are certain in this life?


They say that’s the way Benjamin Franklin answered that question. Franklin was a very wise man. He was a statesman, scholar, inventor and one the signers of the original constitution of the United States of America.  With all of those gifts, who could argue with him?

One of the inevitable things in life is taxes. At this time of the year, taxes normally occupy a large portion of our time and energy. COVID-19 has changed that. For many of us, filing our returns has taken a back seat to everything else we’re going through right now. Yet, we still know that those 1040’s and all the accompanying
Schedules have to be in by the middle of July. Even in times of crisis, taxes are inevitable.

Death is inevitable too, isn’t it? Someone once said, “Death is the ultimate statistic. One out of one dies.” Yet, God tells us that death doesn’t belong on the list. Not since he raised his Son, Jesus, from the dead. We’re told that Jesus is the “first-fruits” of those who have died. Just like the first flowers of spring let us know that others
are on the way, so also Jesus’ bodily resurrection from the dead lets us know that we, too, are on our way to a life in heaven that does not end. The life those who trust in Jesus will continue to experience with him after physical death is a life without pain, suffering, and all the other effects of sin. Paradise restored is the image God gives us in his Word. And God wants you in that picture, too.

These are pretty frightening times. We’re all hunkered down, playing board games and binge-watching shows, because we don’t want to get sick. What a comfort it is to know that, in Jesus, our resurrected and living Savior, we have One who has promised us, “In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world” (John 16:33). If Jesus loved us enough to willingly suffer the punishment of hell to pay for our sins, rise again for our salvation, then surely he loves enough to provide for us, and care for us, even in the midst of a pandemic.

It’s time to retake that test.

What are the only things that are certain in this life?

You’ve got a Savior! Do you have an accountant? Taxes are due July 15, 2020.